I believe people constantly need to be challenged. At work, in life, intellectually and emotionally.
I need to be challenged when I bake. I need to not always revert to things that are comfortable, easy and I know I can make. I know I can make things that are more difficult and will help me become a better baker.
So I've decided to create a baker's dozen. A list of challenges, to be completed each month for the next year. Plus a bonus treat since a baker's dozen is thirteen. My inspiration was my ever growing list of bookmarked web pages in firefox, my multiple sticky markers in cookbooks, everytime I see something I go "oh I should make that!" but then second guess myself and revert back to making cookies. Not that cookies are a bad thing, just the easy way out. Also baking is a release for me. It soothes my stress, I find it calming and makes me feel happy afterwards that I created it from simple things such as flour and sugar. So also inspired by my friend T and the book we've both read in the past month, this will be my Happiness Project .
So after much searching here's my list;
Bread pudding - completed
Bagels - completed
Marshmallows - completed
Macarons - completed
Brioche - completed
Jam - completed
Pasta - completed
Croissants - completed
a full turkey dinner
Sourdough bread
Puff pastry
Bonus round
Pretzels - well sort of...
Each month, I will post my challenged recipe before the end of the month, no exact date is set. I have recipes for some of these, some of them I don't. Tips, words of wisdom and/or advice and links to recipes are always welcomed and appreciated.